Apr 2, 2018 | assistance., baby boomers, boomers, certified senior housing professional, clutter, declutter, decluttering
I have physiological reactions to clutter and disorganization. Something happens inside of me when I see stacks of papers, unorganized widgets, and collections of God knows what. It has been this way since I was a child. I would clean and organize the house for my...
Jan 13, 2016 | Uncategorized
by Lisa TreadwellA frigid arctic blast is invading Central Indiana. Senior citizens are the most vulnerable to these horrific conditions. Here are some ways to keep yourself and your loved ones safe. Please take a few moments and check in on Mom and Dad, senior family...
Nov 2, 2014 | Uncategorized
by Lisa (Parrett) TreadwellFamily Caregivers do some awesome things for their loved ones and to show appreciation, November is celebrated as National Family Caregivers Month. The holiday was first declared by the U.S. Congress and President Obama in 2013. Join me in...
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