Understanding the Impact of Real Estate as the Largest Asset for Older Adults: A Guide

by Lisa Treadwell

January 6, 2013
Need Help Selling Your Indianapolis Family Home?
Whether you’re an Indianapolis senior citizen or the family caregiver of an older adult or elderly parent, the Indy area is loaded with resources and organizations devoted to the care and assistance of our Indiana seniors.
As an Indianapolis real estate agent who specializes in helping family caregivers and seniors in the process of selling their family home, I make it my business to stay on top of the groups and opportunities that can be of service to Indy seniors and their families. If you are a caregiver, know that there is a mountain of help out there. I know that it can be difficult to navigate through and find the proper services, so please feel free to contact me with any questions you may have. I’ll do my best to share my experiences and contacts in this area.
You should also know that CICOA provides a comprehensive guide to a large majority of services available to area seniors and their families.
You’ll Find the Guide Here
Best of luck to you and yours and, again, let me know how I may help in your journey. I’ll offer tips, ideas, suggestions and thoughts on how to help elderly parents move or age in place in Indiana.
Indiana Home for Sale: 2121 Elderberry, Indianapolis, IN, 46229
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