Understanding the Impact of Real Estate as the Largest Asset for Older Adults: A Guide

by Lisa Treadwell

October 10, 2012

As you know, a flu shot for a senior is vital as we head into the flu season, and I’ve found an event that will satisfy that need for you and also provide some fun and a pleasant time.

On-the-spot massages, entertainment, flu shots, healthy snacks…what more does a health-focused senior or boomer want?

Go take it all in and enjoy the afternoon as Brookdale Place Willow Lake holds a Health Fair on Wednesday, October 17 from 1-4 pm at 2725 Lake Circle Dr. 46268 in Indianapolis.

You’ll also find plenty of information on senior health-related issues and be able to take a tour of their beautiful community.

For reservations and more information, call Holly Koll at (317) 334-9400 or hkoll@brookdaleliving.com by October 15.


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