Understanding the Impact of Real Estate as the Largest Asset for Older Adults: A Guide

by Lisa Treadwell

October 24, 2015
by Lisa TreadwellI think it’s important to do what I can to help and support those groups and organizations that provide quality assistance and a helping hand to older seniors in Central Indiana.

Here’s a quick audio overview of Perry Senior Services I had produced to help Perry Township seniors find they assistance they need, while also encouraging donations and volunteers to come aboard.

By the way, if you’re a broadcast outlet (Radio, TV, Cable, or Online) and would like a higher, broadcast quality (.WAV file) copy of this to air on your station or channel as a Public Service Announcement (PSA), just email me here.

Ready to Get Some Downsizing Advice & Prepare for a Late-in-Life Move?
Click Here for the “5 Steps to Downsizing”
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